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Download and install Google Play Store for PC

Google Play Store is an application developed by Google for Android mobile phones. In the beginning, this app was only downloadable in Android devices, but now it can be downloaded in your PC as well. In this way, users will be able to download all the apps that are available in Google Play Store.



3 ways to download and install Google Play Store on your PC

  • Install Play Store using Bluestacks
  • Install Play Store using Andyroid
  • Install Play Store via NOX Android Emulator

Method 1: Using Bluestacks

In this method, you will have to first download Bluestacks on your PC/laptop. Once Bluestacks is installed on your PC, you can easily follow this method to get Google Play Store on your laptop.

  1. Open Bluestacks and enter your Google account information.
  2. You will be able to see the search box on the homepage. Search for the Google Play Store and click enter.
  3. Select the Play Store app and click the install button beside it.
  4. Within a few seconds, the app will be downloaded.
  5. Now you can go in your download folder and click on the download.
  6. The installer will open and guide you through the installation process.
  7. Once the installation is complete click Finish.
  8. Now you’ll be able to freely use the Google Play Store on your PC.

Method 2: Downloading by Andyroid

This method is very similar to the previous method that we mentioned. You will first have to download the Andyroid app on your PC by going on their website.

  1. After you’ve successfully downloaded the Andyroid application, you will need to connect to the emulator by entering your Google Account information.
  2. On the homepage, search for the app in the search bar and click enter.
  3. From the search results, you will select the Google Play Store app and download it.
  4. Once the setup is downloaded, run it and follow the instructions of the installer and you’ll be able to install the Play Store app on your PC.

Method 3: Google Play Store installation through NOX Android emulator

In this method you will first download the NOX Android emulator on your laptop then proceed with the following step we’ve mentioned:

  1. First, download and install the NOX Android Emulator application on your PC.
  2. Open the homepage once it is installed and search for Google Play Store in the search bar.
  3. The search results will be shown on the screen. From there select the Play Store icon and click on the install button beside it.
  4. Now from the download folder on your PC, select the downloaded file and open it.
  5. The installer window will open and guide you stepwise through the whole process.
  6. Once it is installed, run the app and experience all the features that Google Play Store has to offer.

These methods will help you download the Play Store app on any version of Windows that is installed on your PC/laptop.